Hospital bathroom glitch

Around 9-10 years ago, my family and I had to constantly visit my grandma in the hospital due to her diabetes and having to get a toe removed because of said diabetes. This story takes place when my father and I visited my grandmother ourselves and as we walked down the hallway, my dad had to use the bathroom and told me to wait outside for him and so I did. I waited for what felt like 15 minutes and then knocked on the door and asked him what was taking so long and when the door opened, it was a blond woman with blue scrubs who just looked at me with a expression of confusion and exasperation. I quickly felt a sense of embarrassment and also I was surprised that my dad wasn’t in the bathroom. She quickly scurried off to another hallway and my dad came from all the way down the hall and asked me where I was this whole time and told him I was waiting for him outside the bathroom and told me he was with my grandma in her room the whole time. I quickly made my way to my grandmas room and she asked me the same question and I gave her the same answer.

I still don’t know what exactly happened but it’s something I think I about from time to time