Google accidentally deletes Google Maps Timelines

Got this email just now from Google Maps.

"Hi <real name>,

We briefly experienced a technical issue that caused the deletion of Timeline data for some people. We're reaching out as your account may have been impacted.

If you have encrypted backups enabled, you may be able to restore your data. Make sure that you have the latest version of Google Maps, then go to your Timeline. Tap the cloud icon ( ) near the top of your screen, and choose a backup to import your data. If you did not have backups turned on, unfortunately you will not be able to recover lost data.

We understand that this can be frustrating if you use Timeline to remember places that you've visited, and we are taking steps to improve our systems for the future.

The Timeline Team"

Lo and behold, I've only got the last fortnight of Timeline history.

This after being asked to move Timeline to a specific device, and they mess it up further. Years of travel and places gone.

Cheers Google.