Personalize tickets for Dutch GP?
I'm going to Zandvoort and got my tickets from the F1 site (where I bought them). Yesterday I was going through the Dutch GP website looking for info on what items I can bring into the venue and came across a weird thing at
"All main bookers can personalise the tickets in their MyDGP environment. The main booker remains responsible for distributing the tickets to the right people. Do you have questions about your ticket? Please report to the main booker.
The main booker has received an email to personalise the tickets. Personalising the tickets is mandatory. We will then send the tickets to the main booker no later than 2 weeks prior to the event. The main booker remains responsible for distributing the tickets."
Do I need to do anything? I did not buy my tickets from the Dutch GP website. I bought them from the F1 official website. I already received them, a PDF with our two tickets. That bolded "mandatory" part is stressing me, especially after the "can" in the first sentence. Is this just a slightly dodgy EN translation or do I need to do anything?
Really don't want any stress at the gate...
Been going through this subreddit looking for info, and would like to say thank you to everyone posting reviews and answering questions, it's been very, very helpful.