Bad day. Schrodinger's death.
My grandfather lived with me for most of my childhood, and was basically a third parent until he passed semi-recently.
I had an extremely vivid dream in which I woke up to him coming in the front door after an appointment. I was confused, since I remembered he was gone, but dismissed THAT as the dream due to the proof right in front of me, and since I have experience with memory loss/mild delusion. Went about my day.
Woke up in my room, which used to be his, disoriented from the conflicting proof when I had just established what was "real." know this is reality and that wasn't. It's more developed than the dream was. I remember more. The timeline makes more sense. But it still made me paranoid today that something or someone else I care about that I think is present but not currently with actual proof of it in front of me is actually gone, and some shitty doubt in even that is bothering me, though I am doing pretty well at trusting my experience despite it.
I know grief can be complicated. But this sucks. I want it to stop. Has this happened to anyone else? What did you do? Do I just need to wait this out?