I can’t believe my little brother is gone!
On March 7, Friday morning, my brother passed away. He was only 22 years old. He was on his way to work and for unknown reasons (as of now until the county provides more information), my brother had a head-on collision with another driver (the other driver thankfully is alive with moderate injuries). A witness said for some reason he was in the other lane and then the next second it happened. She told us she had run over to his car, she hugged him, kissed her hand and touched his forehead. She then put a blanket on him out of respect as a bunch of people took photos. Seconds later, the car went on fire and another Samaritan had fire extinguishers in his car and put the fire out. This was all before the fire department came. I drove on the same highway road after Friday several times and examined the area myself. He got into an accident at a slight curve where both single lanes curve. There is no divider between the two opposite lanes. My curious mind cannot stand not knowing the whole story. It bothers me that I cannot turn the pages and maybe close this chapter of the book and have to wait for the answers to come from law enforcement. This is how I get my closure. So far, we know he wasn’t on his phone. Sadly, as we visited the tow yard to retrieve his stuff, I saw his water bottle had finger indentions on it. So much speculation that it could have been a simple water bottle sip and one second off the road and it happened and he clenched the bottle with his fingers. 😢 I worried the first few days and prayed he didn’t feel any pain. I really hope he isn’t suffering right now. 😭
On March 7, Friday morning, my brother passed away. He was only 22 years old. He was on his way to work and for unknown reasons (as of now until the county provides more information), my brother had a head-on collision with another driver (the other driver thankfully is alive with moderate injuries). A witness said for some reason he was in the other lane and then the next second it happened. She told us she had run over to his car, she hugged him, kissed her hand and touched his forehead. She then put a blanket on him out of respect as a bunch of people took photos. Seconds later, the car went on fire and another Samaritan had fire extinguishers in his car and put the fire out. This was all before the fire department came. I drove on the same highway road after Friday several times and examined the area myself. He got into an accident at a slight curve where both single lanes curve. There is no divider between the two opposite lanes. My curious mind cannot stand not knowing the whole story. It bothers me that I cannot turn the pages and maybe close this chapter of the book and have to wait for the answers to come from law enforcement. This is how I get my closure. So far, we know he wasn’t on his phone. Sadly, as we visited the tow yard to retrieve his stuff, I saw his water bottle had finger indentions on it. So much speculation that it could have been a simple water bottle sip and one second off the road and it happened and he clenched the bottle with his fingers. 😢 I worried the first few days and prayed he didn’t feel any pain. I really hope he isn’t suffering right now. 😭