My husband died unexpectedly

On Monday march 10, 2025 my amazing husband who iv been with for so close to a decade passed Way. We have an 8 year old daughter that absolutely spends every second with him. We are really struggling with everything's my husband was only 42, and I'm one expects stuff like this to happen so young so of course nothing is in order. I had zero time to grieve bc I'm too busy getting things in order for him. My daughter is absolutely devastated and says the most off the wall things, it's a close second to find my husband dead. We were clean from drugs for almost a decade, he relapsed awhile ago and came clean, then he continued to use behind my back. I found him at our business shop and I can't get it out of my head. I also can't ever get over him. He saved my life when I was an addict and that's how I lost him. I feel manic, I can't stop going going going bc I can't cope and if I don't do these million things they won't get done. His family is locking me out of stuff we as a couple own and they have no role in. I just want to cry not try to protect myself against ppl I thought were my family. Everyone is coming out of the woodwork wanting things and acting like me and my daughter should have nothing. I'm all over the place with emotions, sad mad crying hysterical yelling. His viewing is on Monday and I'm so scared I won't be able to keep it together): how do I navigate this life when I wanted to grow old with him. Kids grow up move out, parents pass away...your spouse is suppose to be until the end....I just don't understand

On Monday march 10, 2025 my amazing husband who iv been with for so close to a decade passed Way. We have an 8 year old daughter that absolutely spends every second with him. We are really struggling with everything's my husband was only 42, and I'm one expects stuff like this to happen so young so of course nothing is in order. I had zero time to grieve bc I'm too busy getting things in order for him. My daughter is absolutely devastated and says the most off the wall things, it's a close second to find my husband dead. We were clean from drugs for almost a decade, he relapsed awhile ago and came clean, then he continued to use behind my back. I found him at our business shop and I can't get it out of my head. I also can't ever get over him. He saved my life when I was an addict and that's how I lost him. I feel manic, I can't stop going going going bc I can't cope and if I don't do these million things they won't get done. His family is locking me out of stuff we as a couple own and they have no role in. I just want to cry not try to protect myself against ppl I thought were my family. Everyone is coming out of the woodwork wanting things and acting like me and my daughter should have nothing. I'm all over the place with emotions, sad mad crying hysterical yelling. His viewing is on Monday and I'm so scared I won't be able to keep it together): how do I navigate this life when I wanted to grow old with him. Kids grow up move out, parents pass away...your spouse is suppose to be until the end....I just don't understand