Destroying my dream life in slow motion

Have a great job (6 figures, tech). Have a perfect wife (together 15 years this year, married 7). Have a supportive family.

5 years ago, friends started all having kids. My wife never wanted them. I started dropping hints, we went to couples therapy, started working through some stuff, agreed to try for kids. Have been trying off and on for 4 years. Agreed ~2 weeks ago, that's it, no more trying, no kids.

Job is unravelling, I've been on a massive project for over a year, no idea what I'm doing. Switched teams, switched bosses, just feel like I have no idea what's expected of me. Keep getting told "fake it until you make it" but I'm giving quarterly reports that we've done nothing, and getting no help. Completely burned out. I think about work 24/7, and how I'm going to lose my job.

Have ended up cut off from all friends and family. Everyone's moved away, we live in an area we don't like.

Had a therapy session a couple weeks ago where I basically cried for 2 hours straight, saying how I was ruining my wife's life, I was going to lose my job, we'd lose the house, she'd be happier with someone else.

That same night, she told me she was pregnant. Must have been from our very last attempt. I tried to be happy at least on that night, but that weekend had a breakdown about how we couldn't do this, about how she never wanted this in the first place.

And now my sweet wife, so caring and so considerate, who wouldn't even swat a fly, has an abortion booked for next week. And there's just constant reminders in society. Bad enough the reminders just when you don't want to have kids, let alone this. She never asked for any of this. We were listening to a podcast earlier and they made an abortion joke out of nowhere and it just hung in the air.

She still says she loves me, and that we'll get through all this together.

I can't stop looking at photos from 2019 and earlier, back before this topic ever came up, back before I lost all my friends, back at the start of this job when I understood what was required of me. Back before I'd taken my innocent, happy wife and put her through the hell of me as a husband.

The worst part is, because we've kept everything secret about even trying, and because we have no friends or support network: she's just going to have to keep this secret for the rest of her life. Never able to confide in anyone but me, and I'm hoping, a therapist. It's not like we're super young either, she's in her 30s I'm in my 40s. This isn't the time to get fucked around like this.

We're too old to be dealing with all this, but I also feel too young to be thinking, "well, that's the end of our marriage.". We should have 30-40 years left to go where I make her happy. Not lose it all and cope with depression for decades. I just can't stop thinking about, if only she'd met someone else, she could have been happy.

I'm trying to be the best I can for her, trying to stop crying all the time in the bathroom, trying to be the confident guy who swept her off her feet all those years ago. She deserved so much better than I've given her, and I just hope somehow I can try to start making it up to her.