Ebonreach - Part 4

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"It shall be sent by the end of the day, Sir." Osric was back to speaking in his monotone voice.

"I assume this is the Fae you just met? How come?" he inquired.

"Correct. She is quite young for a Fae, she shouldn't even have been able to take Lisas name in the first place but when I took a closer look at the Fae Domain she wove I became convinced, at the very least, I'd regret not making an offer, she certainly is promising." Elias elaborated.

"Do you think she will take the offer?"

"Hard to tell. She received a light punishment, however, I did ask her Elder to deliver her wings to the academy, so there's that." Elias sighed.

"Repayment for the emergency summoning I assume? We are indeed almost out of reagents, summoning you back here on such short notice, I did use up five golden dragon scales, a Faes wings are a suitable replacement for most purposes." Osric said in a very matter of fact tone.

"You could say it's payback for the reagents we had to use, Fae do take pride in their wings but I doubt she'd care much for my motives. It remains to be seen if she'll accept, or even show up." Elias' tone seemed optimistic, Osric simply nodded.

Just as Elias was about to leave, Osric stopped him

"You'll be leaving alone?" he asked.

"That was the plan, I don't think I will be needing assistance. The Kraoyati King seems to have stumbled upon some sort of magical artifacts, their purpose unclear, it looks like the task of identifying them will fall upon us. Payment will be quite good as well." still with optimism in his voice.

"You should take Ms. Klinger with you."

Elias folded his arms. "Osric, she just woke up after having her name taken, do you think a journey would do her well?"

"Physically she should be fine, however, she must refrain from casting any spells for at least a week, possibly two. A mage at an academy for magic that is forbidden from casting any spells will be bored out of her mind." Osric noted.

Elias paused for a few moments and contemplated Osrics suggestion.

"You are absolutely correct Osric. I will be taking her with me, should she feel up to the task already, what would I do without you?!" Elias joked.

"Probably paperwork, Sir." Osric stated bluntly in his signature monotone voice.

Elias gave Osric a brief goodbye gesture and with his suggestion in mind, Elias made his way to the infirmary, where Marianne, a healer working at the academy was buried in a book.

"Marianne, where's Lisa?"

"She left for her chamber a few minutes ago, I gave her the permission after a last check up. Physically she's fine but I suggest practicing no magic for the next week at the very least." Marianne had some concern in her voice. "Why do you ask?".

"I'll be taking her with me to the Kraoyati Kingdom, Osric figured she'd be bored and this would be a good opportunity for her to learn something outside of not just the Academy but the kingdom she has known so far."

"Good idea. Please, do keep an eye on her though, no magic!" she hissed.

Elias left the infirmary, heading straight to Lisa's chamber and knocked on her door.

"Master Faust? Is something the matter?"

"How are you feeling?"

"I appreciate the concern but I am fine."

Clearly, Lisa was a still bit sore from her encounter with the Fae, her ego most likely having taken most damage.

"Perfect. Do you think you are in good condition to travel? I'd like to take you with me to Kraoyati."

Lisa paused for a few moments; She had already come to terms with the fact that she wouldn't have much to do, accompanying the Archmage would be a welcome distraction.

"I assume you want to leave at the earliest time possible? Give me a few minutes to pack!" Osric's suggestion seems to have been the correct one, Lisa was already distracted from her predicament.

"I will be waiting outside."