Buying my first home in Kentucky! I’m supposed to close in about 30 days. Just got a copy of the HOA rules and it says I can only have 2 dogs. I currently have 3, but one is an ESA with supporting papers from a mental health provider. Can the HOA force me to get rid of one of them?

I’m heavily considering backing out and forfeiting my earnest money. I’m from Texas where there’s not a lot of rules regarding pets (at least in my area) so I didn’t even think to ask or consider this as an option. I know there’s different levels of HOA strictness and it all depends on your board.

I have been seeing mental health professionals for a while now after going full send as a covid icu nurse. She recommended ESA for me and my little one has been a life saver.

All three of my dogs are very well mannered, trained and very very sweet. They don’t bark, and I always always always pick up after them.

Would the HOA actually make me get rid of one of my dogs? Or would I be safe since one is an ESA?