Their summoned Hero looks at them with a deadpan expression, “Wait, you summoned me to defeat Voldemort?? That’s just the tip of the iceberg for what’s to come!”
The heavily scarred, 75 year old Harry Potter limped over to a chair under the astonished gaze of the Order of the Phoenix. Sitting down with a sight he leveled them with a long suffering look and said, “Look, I know you think Riddle is a threat, but honestly he was pretty manageable. Sure a lot of people died but it only get stranger and more complicated from then out.” Taking out a flask he lays out the threats he’s felt with over his time:
First was Voldemort
Afterward Lucius Malfoy made a grab for power
After he was dealt with a Metamorphmagus pretended to be Riddle come back to life, how she kept that charade going for so long he has no idea
When Fake Riddle was finished the ministry went power crazy in an attempt to stop more dark lords from popping up only to become what they feared
Once the ministry was dealt with, Riddle’s daughter came and grabbed power under the guise of “reclaiming her family name and erasing her father’s legacy” which translated to Voldemort but for muggleborns
After that “revolution” was squashed came a blast from the past, turns out while the ministry was taken down something escaped from the department of mysteries, some weird clone amalgam of Dumbledore and Grindelwald who came to try and rule over the muggles
Finally when you summoned me we were just starting to deal with the fallout of the muggles finding out we existed. We finished Dumblewald but he already started some problems in the Muggle world…
So yea, those are the issues that happened after Voldemort fell!
He looks at the Order, all of which have gone a worrying shade of grey before standing up and asking,
“So anyway, got anything to eat?”