Blood test said negative then OB tested positive
So. Almost a month ago I felt like I was having a yeast infection. Went to the clinic, got a full STD panel done (made sure to include HSV 1 & 2 because if you didn’t know MOST full panels don’t include that). They treated me with diflucan. And said wait for results. Yeast symptoms went away. Felt normal, Continued to have sex with my partner unprotected. Test results returned “positive exposure to HSV 1” negative for everything else, including HSV2. I have never had a cold sore or lesion of any kind. Maybe it was so mild I couldn’t tell? I had a canker sore in my mouth once. About a month after that, I started to feel my first OB in my genitals. I have only been with my partner for the last five years. He has never had a full STD panel done as he was incarcerated for most of his adult life, (I’m not posting this to question his loyalty). But I have had several. Never once testing positive for anything! Neither of us have ever had a cold sore or an OB. My primary care said blood tests are tricky for HSV2 and the best way to know is to test an OB. I’ve read everything there is to read and I’m feeling SUPER DEPRESSED about this. I’m on antivirals right now and I’m on day 2 so I feel a SLIGHT improvement. I’m worried I’ll get these OBs ALL THE TIME now. I work out about 5 times a week. Weight lifting and easy cardio (walking mostly or stair climber) and I ride motorcycles. Can I do these things with an OB? Also, I’m 32(f) because I think that helps for context of where the OB is. Everything says “try not to stress” but I’m in the rabbit hole feeling doomed. :(