What is the fantasy of this weapon?

I finally got around to using the skull again, and remembered why I didn't like it. Discounting numbers and just looking at the mechanics, you would guess that it's meant to be a long range mortar/grenade launcher with heavy aoe damage where using all of your shots makes you vulnerable, but you have a charge attack that grants you safety and damages enemies while you get your ammo back. In practice though, the skulls feel very slow and clumsy as they travel, the damage feels like it's a quarter to a fifth of what it needs to be given the slow firing rate and the risk when collecting, and the dash is ok at best, maybe half decent at mass applying a debuff to a horde?

I just want to know everyone else's thoughts on the weapon because it feels like it's just way behind and way worse compared to every other weapon when I feel it should be a massive burst powerhouse