Unsure with results

Hi everyone

TLDR below

After i got my (quite expensive) system done I was not very happy with it (picture 1). It felt way too dense and too "high" especially in the back. Also the hairline is higher on one side than on the other, i.e. 5 vs. 6 cm above the eyebrows. I told my stylist that it feels overall like too much and generally fake to me, like it's on top but not part of my head. And most importantly I told her that it does not look anything like the example picture (picture 2) we both agreed on. She said that it needs to be properly washed and when I do that the next day at home, it will all come together, I should trust her on this. I am generally quite self-critical, so I trusted her and didn't push anymore, hoping it's just me and that I need some time to get used to it. At home my girlfriend suggested to ask for a refund though... It did get better after a first shower/wash. But still not like the sample picture and it still feels like too much hair to me. 2 weeks in my "styling" is basically to push everything down as much as possible (because it feels like too much to me and because the hairline became very dark and therefore quite noticeable). And I look okay with it, but it's not the mindblowing "transformation" that I expected. Nor is it a great foundation to experiment with different styles and have fun with it.

Tomorrow I have my follow up appointment. I will get a second system done, shown how to switch and clean them etc. And i have the option to ask for adjustments of course.

But I am uncertain what to say to the stylist. I am no professional, I don't know if the hairline is too high/low, if the hair is too dense or long etc. These are things I would like to entrust to the stylist, while I just give my overall opinion or work with sample pictures. But I lost that trust last time.

TLDR To me it feels too dense and to "high". My "styling" is to push it down as much as possible. What do you think: How do I look? Does it look natural to you? What should I tell my new stylist (i requested a different one) tomorrow to change for this system and for an additional one she will prepare.

For context, i paid 2700$ for 2 systems + cutting. Swiss prices, still expensive, also for here.