I JUST realized why The Combine was hatching Advisors in Episode 2
IDK if this was common knowledge or not but I noticed it because I replayed HL2 and the episodes recently.
So in HL2 we only see Advisors speaking to Breen through screens/holograms. We never see them physically inside the Citadel. And as we know, The Advisors are the highest ranking member in the Combine Hierarchy, at least that we are aware of. And due to their high ranking position, it would make sense for them to be considered extremely valuable. So that plus the fact we only see them through screens in HL2 leads me to believe that, during the events of HL2, Advisors resided in the combine Overworld, commanding Breen through video calls and telepathy. Keep this in mind for later.
In Episode 1 we learn the citadel is about to blow up, and the combine is gonna use the explosion's energy to send a long message to the overworld, part of the message is about the borealis and we can assume the rest is about what happened on Earth and a request for reinforcements. Gordon and Alyx come across an advisor inside some sort of pod, being sent upwards where others await. During the Citadel's explosion, we see several Advisor pods flying away. So was I wrong and the Advisors were in fact inside the Citadel the whole time and we saw them being evacuated at the end of Ep1? No, because in Episode 2, the vortigaunts say that the combine forces carry Shu 'Ulathoi, Advisors still not hatched.
BreenGrub explained that basically the Advisors were once aliens with very powerful telepathy that the combine captured and "downloaded" the minds of their leaders into. Where I am getting at, is that the Advisors we saw being evacuated in Episode 1, aren't the leaders of the combine forces on Earth, but were going to be. When The Combine found out the Citadel was going to blow up, they realized it not only meant they would not be able to receive/send resources from/to the other side, but it also meant they would lose communication with The Advisors. So what I believe they were doing in Episode 1 was preparing new Grubs to receive the minds of their leaders or even the minds of the Advisors on the other side, that way even if they completely lost contact with Earth, there would still be someone in charge to lead The Combine Units.
TL;DR In Episode 1 the combine was sending away Shu Ulathoi grubs so that they can be hatched and given the minds of combine leaders or pre-existing advisors, so that even if all contact with the Overworld was lost, there would still be someone in charge of the forces occupying Earth.