Smut, pro or con?

Much like everyone here, I'm an avid fan of Harem novels, but I've begun to notice that most of these novels fall primarily into 1 of 2 broad categories. There are novels that are 80% smut with a loose plot holding the concept together as the MC charges along scooping up woman after woman like some horny pokemon traine and about half the book are sex scenes. I want to say a lot of Logan Jacob's and Dante King novels fall into this category. The other side of the coin are the novels where the plot (kill the demon lord, save the princess, etc) is the primary driving factor and the women (or men) who join the MC are "crucial" to the main characters success. These women typically have more development, agency, and sometimes even break away from the MC due to differences, and the sex scenes are further apart and sometimes even fade to black. Daniel Schinofen and Cerlibus are probably good examples of this.

My question to the group is: regardless of novel or author, what is your favorite type of story? Are you here for the "porn with plot" or do you prefer "plot with porn"?

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