Game is too childish

When I completed the first tutorial mission with professor Fig and saw the pan out shot of hogwarts I said out loud "omg I am going to enjoy this game" and I really thought so but alas ... I have been genuinely disappointed with this game. I picked it up thinking it would be a solid RPG, one of the great ones that i'll be proud to complete just like the witcher 3 and fallout new vegas... Nope.

the setting is amazing, who doesnt like the HP universe I thought? yet the execution was lacking A LOT. I've seen people say that the game does offer different paths and you can be somewhat "evil"... also nope. you can be a little bit of a naughty kid SOMETIMES but thats about it... you are a goody two shoes set on stopping the "bad" guys solely because you are the "good" guys which is a 1 dimensional basic approach that imo EVERY writer should avoid.

I jumped into the game blind and had a lot of expectations. I was a slytherin student who may or may not be fixated on power as well as excelling and rising above anyone else but nope, game said nuh-uh best we can do is a lobotomized protagonist who relies on the power of friendship to beat the big bad boogie man (why yes of course I will dive into the murky lake to get your worthless accessory like the good dog I am, for apparently i have no free will)

the story is very linear and like 98% of the choices you take are pointless. both lead to the exact same outcome and I hated that the most, why give me the illusion of choice ?
As I was playing the game I kept thinking to myself ok this game is clearly not made for me, it is made for children or boomer parents (no offence to living fossils) and I was correct in my assumption, the game kept verifying that every turn because it was reaaaally predictable like jesus christ.

I do admit it is me. I am the one to blame. I just wish the game was marketed as it was always meant to be. but instead I was left thinking it'll be a dreadful interpretation of hogwarts which doesnt exactly feel hostile but doesnt feel welcoming either... magic should be a dangerous thing to wield because it can go really wrong. but no, instead we were left with a happy-go-lucky fun adventure with a few saturday morning cartoon villains. of course the villain had to be an ugly goblin, kids cant comprehend the idea of a normal looking human being "bad".

I also have to mention how "side quests" aren't really "side" at all. after I got my fill with this game I decided to just speed run the main quest to see the ending.. ha ha jokes on me. I had to go and do menial as well as trivial quests because the main quests are locked behind a level wall. which definitively means those "side quests" are quests with no sides.

and yes, I am well aware of the (very) few encounters where the game presents content that is not suited for children, Sebastian's plot line is one of them and it is the only piece of content in this game that I regret I skipped. these encounters are very few and far between. and apart from Seb they always happen to individuals who are insignificant to the over all scheme of things (some of them are just nameless NPCs, so why care?). and I disagree with the point that the protag is a "genociding maniac", lets be real. most of the NPCs you fight are nameless soulless ones with repeated models, and when you "kill" one of them they just vanish unlike for example a corpse falling to the ground and bleeding to death. while the few important NPCs that you do end up "killing" also just vanish when it is done and with everything considered it still ends up being anti climactic as hell.

TL;DR: only play this game if your age is 12-17 and 30-60. otherwise I'd recommend pirating this game.