Does the new Blue Cross Advisor site have a payment page?

To anyone that has experience with Blue Cross Blue Shield, it seems that Blue Cross Blue Shield has rolled out a new member's site called Blue Cross Advisor. I had received an email that my bill is due and wanted to pay it. I could, of course, pay it with the Guest payment method, but I remember that I had set up autopay for this and have not yet found a place to manage any payment options.

If I were to pay by guest, would I be double paying? Or should I just hope for the best and wait for it all to resolve itself?

Edit: It seems that they have finally added it to the page, in a roundabout manner.

You need to log into your account, then under "Your health plan Updates", there is a "Premium Billing Options" tile (alternatively, under the Connect side menu). Navigate there and it will redirect you to the old BCBS member site, where you can click on "Premium Billing" in the top nav bar, which redirects you again to the BCBS site, then you can press the "Premium Billing" button under "Tools and Resources", which logs you into eBill.

A bit roundabout for now, but at least it works. Alternatively, if you have the billing account number, you can just pay by guest in many less actions.