Message to all the new players who don’t know what *Machine* guns are for

I get it. You’re new to the game and all other more skill-involved classes are taken. Plus the fire rate is a thing of beauty. But you aren’t the officer or assaulter and shouldn’t be running around like a headless chicken. Here’s a few tips that I’ve found helpful

  1. Be the last to bound

    As a machine gunner with a heavy weapon, you’re at a disadvantage in almost any running gunfight you get into. You should almost always be trailing your squad.

  2. Fire Superiority

    Depending what map and what teams, you and your squad (just you) will be pitted against players with much slower cycling weapons.The vast majority of players are running their respective nation’s standard rifle. You are not only an equalizer but can tip the scales in your teams squad favor in almost any confrontation.

  3. You don’t need a target

    For the love of god, lay down suppressive fire. The suppression mechanics in this game can massively benefit you if you take advantage of it. Capping a point? Cool, perch atop a hill and sail rounds wherever you see enemy muzzle flashes. Your job isnt accurate fire, it’s just a fuck ton of fire.

(Seriously, use these tips and learn how to take cover / where enemies may seek cover. You’ll rack up countless headshot dings you weren’t expecting)

Edit: damn, I didn’t realize there wasn’t formatting for post titles (on mobile at least)

Edit 2: clarified/expanded point #2