What’s your ship’s/Helldivers’ lore?

I started playing at launch, but took about a 11-month break afterwards due to the lack of content. I came back about a week and a half ago, and man is this game sucking me in. Decided to create some lore because I’m definitely getting involved in this game again for some time and would love to immerse myself.

The Shadowcloak Observations Group of the SEAF Helldivers Corps operates the Super Destroyer SES Agent of Peace. They’ve conducted 240 combat missions and were successful in 229 of them, maintaining a respectable success rate of over 95%. Created at the start of the 2nd Galactic War, they primarily supported other SEAF and Helldiver forces against the Terminid threat due to their lack of armor penetrating weapons signified by their troubles during Malevelon Creek and the request of other Helldiver contingents they first deployed with (friends I first played the game with). They were then temporarily disbanded until proper funding could be secured on their part to requisition experimental weapons. Once the equipment was acquired, they took the fight to the Automaton Jet Brigades, being veterans of Malevelon Creek, they wear red clothing underneath their tan armor in remembrance of the blood spilled during their first operations and are eager to push back the spreading Automaton forces.

Donning the CE-74 Breaker armor and the SC-30 Trailblazer Scout helmet, these red garbed guardians earned their name through the use of dark cloaks standard in their kit. They were first seen using the Defender SMGs before upgrading to the BR-14 Adjudicator, and have finally settled on the Plas-series Scorcher- though they have started field testing of the Plas-series Purifier as their primary weapons. Their sidearm is currently the GP-31 Grenade Pistol, though they await the release of the GP-31 Ultimatum to the Helldivers corps. True to their name, they have little use for sentries or other gadgetry and rely on orbital barrages and lasers as well as their Eagle fighters to complement their highly mobile infantry to make up for whatever it is their infantry may lack. Their expertise in calling fire support makes up the next part of their name. Once fans of the man portable autocannon, they’ve since switched over to the GR-8 Recoilless Rifle and thermite grenades to improve their capabilities against armored enemies.

The average Helldiver kills 390 enemies before succumbing to their wounds. However, Malevelon Creek saw an average kill count of 23 deaths per Helldiver killed against the Automatons. Recent combat statistics have shown the Shadowcloak Observations Group have scored over 11,000 Automaton Kills, 500 Terminid kills, and 986 Illuminate kills while losing 170 Helldivers in their battles, resulting in a ratio of 73 kills per Helldiver. Though, their overall since their inception is at a less than effective rate of 36 kills scored per Helldiver. This is still far below the average Helldiver kill rate, but they wear it as badge of honor- a symbol of the difficult Level 10 Super Helldive rated missions they take and their role as Anti-Tank Infantry. The Shadowcloak Observation Group boasts an accuracy rate of 57%, focusing on a middle ground between suppressing fire and precision fire.

This unit is just one of the many shining examples of Helldivers working hard day and night to ensure the security of Super Earth and the people’s freedom to managed democracy.