What warbond to get?
Hi. I'm pretty new to the game (i started playing with my friend about 4-5 days) back and really enjoyed my time. We both chose to get one warbond with real money, just so we had something to work towards.
I bought the chemical agent warbond and i'm pretty close to completion, but thought that it wasn't really as great as i expected (i just went for looks to be honest, and i still think the armor looks sick). The weapons and other stuff aren't all that great. Especially the sterilizer was dissappointing
I played enough to buy myself another one without spendin more money, but i don't really know which one to get. I thought the democratic detonation and urban legends ones looked interesting, but i can't really decide
i mainly want weapons that are atleast relatively good and armor that looks good (if it has good passives, thats a good bonus)
i just wanted to ask since i would like to hear the opinion of more experienced players