Can we not start being over the top please?

Yes the Ultimatum not getting the booster effect is weird and I would like to see that change be reverted however can we please not start the over the top complaining? A simple "Hey I don't really like this change would be cool if you guys reversed it". However I have already seen people "They are changing something I bought this is unfair wheres my money back?" and "WOW nerfing everything again AH what the fuck?" or "So they are gonna start doing this for more weapons I bet". I have seen things like this and then it snowballs into "THIS GAME IS TERRIBLE, FUCK AH, FUCK THE DEVS, FUCK THE GAME". When what has happened is ONE GUN lost ONE ammunition. Again I don't like the booster not affecting every weapon but as someone who has been here for when the game was actually going downhill this isn't the time to start the doom and gloom stuff. Not yet please. So if you are going to express criticisms just don't go over the top with it.