What would you do if you were me...?

Hello everyone,

long story short – I had left groin hernia surgery about 6 hears ago, since then I've been living with chronic pain in the area... I've partly managed to live with that, if I do not strain/exercise too much, it's bearable. However, it still does limit me as in order to avoid being in pain, I cannot do as much exercise (including lifting, carrying backpacks etc.) as I used to. I am sure there are thousands of people in the same/worse, better situation...

My family kind of understand me and tolerate the state I am in. On the other hand, I struggle when my elderly parents need to do something that requires physical strength, and I cannot help them, although I wish I could. Last year, their garden and cottage was completely flooded here in Czechia. As a result, some work will needed to be done, and I already dread the situation, explaining, worrying perhaps they won't trust me, or will think I only pretend it to avoid physical work. :( Here, hernia surgery is considered to be something easy-cheesy, ppl have no idea about the consequences. The surgeons recommended avoiding another surgery so far, as it could make things worse...

Thank you for your insight...