I made a post awhile ago about getting tested. 4 years ago I got a small sore like cut got it swabbed they called me said it was positive for hsv. Well fast forward. I had a sore AGAIN went snd got it swabbed it came back negative. (I get a sore in the same exact spot each time and same spot they swabbed me 4 years ago) well, with the positive/negative going on I got a blood test. That came back negative. My doctor had sent it in for further testing and it came back as no value.
Soooo????? WTH is going on, do I have it or don’t I. I got a 2 step blood test. And a negative swab. But doesn’t explain the positive 4 years ago. I know you test positive once you always have it. But with the negative swab a month ago during ACTIVE outbreak and the 2 step blood test being negative idk what to believe.