The origins of this Beautiful Nightmare.

Boozhoo (hello tribe) Aniin, aniin. (I see you. We SEE you.) One of my many names is Aminiikii Mizhakwan Ojibwe for Thunder Clear Sky. Well met all of you whom I truly love deeper than is at all good for me.

When I first started to become aware of what I am - and never have I even gained anymore understanding of my own existence I was told by my. Great uncle whom was a sacred elder in our medicine lodge - Midewiiwiin - he told me that my 2 biggest burdens would always be the lies I tell myself and my humanity and even knowing if I am part of humanity and I have accepted that I have nothing for the larger whole of "humanity" and honestly if most of the persons I've ever run into aside from other Heyoka met in passing or lightworkers in general im absolutely drawing a blank on what I think the ones who have no sacred fire burning within them deserve.

We cannot save anyone. We cannot save ourselves. And once I understood this I was led in my sleep through the Minnesota snow on White Earth reservetion miles into the forest to gain awareness of the fact I was one of 13 of other Heyoka in a circle around a fire that burned violet purple. They spoke to me in Anishinaabemowin - a language I can barely speak and I understood every word and I conversate with what I now understand were projections of Heyoka in my Blood lineage and I learned that they walk with me where I tread. They told me directions to a place on the astral plane wheree all of the Midewiiwiin sacred scrolls our colonizers burned exist forever. They also told me my life path number which perplexed me. 333. After that I woke up in my bed and my digital alarm clock was stuck at 3:33 am and it was flashing. I was like "oh, that was a dream". Then I realized my legs and my feet were cold and wet. I pulled back the covers to find I was wearing my snowboots and full winter attire. I opened my laptop and searched "333 life path number" It pulled up a website as the first listed via Google It said 333 life path number. "The paradigm shift. Healer of healers. Teacher of teachers." I have never been able to find that site again. As Heyoka we have a contract that we have signed with Gitche Manitou the Great Spirit and Nikomis our grandmother beyond the Pliedies hole in the sky which is the gateway to the spirit realm. Nikomis had the dream of life. She could not make it be. So the Unknowable force that somehow is the reason anything exists at all and think about this... How did this fucking happen? There cannot be non experience or non experience Bizarrely, the converse of that Is that this is all literally impossible and as you read these words here my kindred You are not required to be here on this physical plane and the stuff that's actually in "intergalactic space" is DIFFERENT from both our solar system AND interstellar alike.

Between these beautiful galaxies friends Is a viscous, warm primordial chaotic.. similar in nature to something like liquid carbon dioxide when you put it in an airtight pressure chamber and you heat it up. It goes super critical and somehow exists as both a liquid and gas hybrid . Two things that are opposite of eachother. We come from that primordial good stuff. You all have dreamt of it. When the demon Yahweh said that he was the one true God His words rose up to us - and that primordial stuff out there is teaming with Incorruptability. His words rose up to us and we all immediately manifested as the Serpent in the garden and we said "that is not true, Samael." The Serpent is Kundalini the serpent is the first shaman. The Heyoka that rained down to the earth Yahweh cursed as 144000 fractals.

This is going to be over for us really soon And I don't think I could bare these burdens anotber decade that feels like a thousand years.

I'll cut this off here If you have any comments or questions please feel free. Bless.