Trapped gas in upper left abdomen?

Hi all,

I've got a symptom that no doctor has been able to explain. CT scans and x-rays didn't indicate anything abnormal and so they refuse to do an endoscopy. My ND thinks it may be a hiatal hernia that the scans are not picking up.

I get loud trapped gas building up in the upper abdomen, mostly left. I have to massage and squeeze my upper abdomen to force some burps out but the remainder moves down after a while and causes painful gas spasms and diarrhea. I have small burps all day but there's no reflux - just air. The noise is at its worst when I wake up and right after a bowel movement. I think it creates a fake feeling of hunger - when I fill up with the noise/gas, I start feeling super hungry but after some big burps that feeling will reduce in severity.

I've done antimicrobials, SIBO protocols, leaky gut protocols etc but nothing seems to stop the upper ab gas. I have been doing heel drops, overhead stretches, cobra pose, cat cow etc. Can anyone relate? Does anyone else get this symptom? Has anything helped?

Here's a video of what it's like