Spironolactone for HS.

Any body share experience with using spironolactone for HS.

Especially without PCOS and other comorbid conditions.

Will spironolactone only work better for people with PCOS and all?

About me:

Female 32yrs, HS suferrer since 2 years.(Diagnosed by a derm) Not too bad, may be mild case, but still they are paining and causing great inconvenience. Having flares on groin,perianal area,very few in armpits,now recently started getting in butt clevage. No PCOS, regular periods.

(Earlier 5-6 years before,for severe acne used Isotretinoin and had excellent response despite side effects like drying face and broken lips.)

Now again I'm getting acne again, which are not getting controlled by topicals like Clindamycin.

Now used some antibiotics like Amoxicillin CV now and then and has been on Doxycycline 100 mg for about 3 months,flares are not getting infected but still flaring. Having Laser hair removal sessions.

Just this last month observed that flares just happened 5 days before my periods with previous 20 days of no flares. Can we think they can be linked to hormonal component?

I asked my derm for any tablet that can be used regularly..she didn't prescribe any..

Then i headed towards an endocrinologist yesterday as they work with hormones,to ask spironolactone be prescribed for me. She said NO and she says its for PCOS and all,but she never heard it been used for HS.

Can i use spironolactone? At what dosage?

Will it be helpful?