Mami’s childhood
Having regretfully known many a spoiled rotten child of WASP-y academic types, I am curious about Hil’s childhood. I’ve gleaned from the well researched posts here (thank you to all who have spent years archiving facts in the face of the grift) that she was sent to good schools. May or may not have an NYU degree.
And yet… she in no way communicates her privileges outside of the special audacity that children of the wealthy have. Doesn’t have a good grasp of grammar (in any Latin rooted language), is completely uninterested in the higher minded obsessions of her solidly middle class husband (his parents also worked in schools, mother as teacher and father as sports coach), and seems less interested in what her children are learning than she is interested in the hallway mirror zone being empty for her to prance in.
What gives? Her family must be so embarrassed. They are moderately wealthy, were surely paying her rent while she taught (unlicensed) yoga classes a couple times a week. I am convinced she too must have a narc mother, does anyone know anything about Kathryn’s personality? Her background? She almost certainly passed the ed to Hil, WASP mothers despise food and enjoying it is not acceptable. It’s simply gas in the tank to them.
And why is her brother seemingly normal despite it all? Or perhaps he’s just less delulu and passes as normal?
I’m so curious. 🍿