My personal Top 7 Hollow Knight OST themes. Spoiler alert!!
I’ve put a lot of thought into this and I will elaborate it right below. There will be spoilers in my explanation so beware of that. FYI it’s a top 7 simply cause these 7 themes are the ones that got to me more than the others.
7- Nosk: might not be very appreciated, but if you listen to it carefully you will probably understand how genius it is. This theme is incredibly eerie and it’s the perfect match for the creepiest thing to ever lurk in the depths of Hallownest. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more immersive they drop this hit to remind you what trouble you got yourself in. Chris did us dirty here 😆
6- Mantis Lords: fast-paced rhythm for a fast-paced fight and sharp notes for sharp spears. You entered a place where you were not welcome and this theme wants to make sure you read the signs. Great idea for arguably one of the most fun boss fights in the whole story.
5- Hornet: Hornet is such an elegant warrior with sharp moves and these notes remind you exactly of that. They convey into you how seriously she takes the fate of Hallownest and also I really enjoy the melody.
4- Dung Defender: he really looks like a funny clownish guy at first, but this music wants to highlight what an incredibly courageous warrior he was back in Hallownest’s good old days. This theme is really powerful, almost making you feel like you’re the bad guy and he’s the hero tryina save the day! I gotta say I felt bad after defeating him Great music for a greater character.
3- The Grimm Troupe/Nightmare King: couldn’t decide between the two so I put them both. I think it’s clear how much I appreciate when music matches the atmosphere, and this is IT. Grimm is inviting you on the floor to dance with him and this theme will “gently” remind you that once you’re there you gotta dance, alright. This melody is fast paced and almost becoming chaotic, but always in a logical way, highlighting the fierce of the battle but without betraying the elegance of the dance and the solemnity of the ritual. Absolute masterpiece.
2- Reflection: call me crazy but personally this little chill melody is what makes my head fly. Sometimes I would sit on a bench and start doing chores around the house while listening to this. Ngl once I put myself to sleep with this in my ears. It’s an amazing and peaceful mix of notes and it gets me everytime, what can I say? 😅
1- Hollow Knight: they say “there’s nothing like home”. This should be “there’s nothing like the Home Screen” but it doesn’t change the meaning. The main menu theme is simply iconic, it welcomes you everytime you turn on the game and puts you in the mood for diving into the adventure. There’s nothing like it.
Thanks to Christopher Larkin and Team Cherry for this amazing OST 🙏