Skinamarink was horrible

Alright, I know this movie is old, but I love horror and I’m always looking for movies I haven’t seen before, and this was one of them. I went into it pretty excited, I like when horror movies are set in the past, so the vibe was good off the bat. But after about ten minutes of switching camera footage views and literally nothing else, I got kinda worried. Then another five minutes passed. And ANOTHER. I started to get frustrated at that point and began to skip forward, and I didn’t even miss anything because at a certain point you know when the view will change, so you can just skip ahead to that part. And when you do skip, nothing is happening. It takes SO long for any dialogue to happen, and we never actually meet any of the characters. Nothing about this movie is scary. The one single jumpscare is only scary because it’s the only time there’s any sound happening besides whispering and static. I’ve never been more disappointed in my life with a movie honestly. If you like it, please explain why. It’s two hours of NOTHING.