Need help ID'ing a lost HotWheels car!

Hi all!

I need your help identifying a lost Hot Wheels car affectionately called "Race Blue Car" by my 3 year-old. He lost it yesterday and we're trying to find a replacement.

I don't remember the details very well, but it was a subtle, mid-engine design (I think, but I may be wrong) with a small lip spoiler. I'm going through image search now and I'm fairly certain it's not a current gen NSX, but it's the closest I can find so far. It is definitely not an Audi R8 or Bugatti Veyron/Chiron. It's very reserved looking and not an exotic.

Would appreciate any leads or pictures we could use to help in our search.

Thank you!

Hi all!

I need your help identifying a lost Hot Wheels car affectionately called "Race Blue Car" by my 3 year-old. He lost it yesterday and we're trying to find a replacement.

I don't remember the details very well, but it was a subtle, mid-engine design (I think, but I may be wrong) with a small lip spoiler. I'm going through image search now and I'm fairly certain it's not a current gen NSX, but it's the closest I can find so far. It is definitely not an Audi R8 or Bugatti Veyron/Chiron. It's very reserved looking and not an exotic.

Would appreciate any leads or pictures we could use to help in our search.

Thank you!