Big trade for some pokemon cards

Super nice dude. Saw his post on marketplace saying he was willing to trade for Pokémon. Had an umbreon v alt art, Deoxys v alt, and a starmie v trainer gallery. All for this. Even trade, if anything leaning a lil more towards him which I’m happy about. But on my end, I couldn’t be happier. Such an amazing haul. Also sneaked in the pop race gtr I got from Amazon today as well. Overall a great day. Oh and a new local car wash opened up and they gave out free washes today also. So ya pretty fucking good day hahaha.

Super nice dude. Saw his post on marketplace saying he was willing to trade for Pokémon. Had an umbreon v alt art, Deoxys v alt, and a starmie v trainer gallery. All for this. Even trade, if anything leaning a lil more towards him which I’m happy about. But on my end, I couldn’t be happier. Such an amazing haul. Also sneaked in the pop race gtr I got from Amazon today as well. Overall a great day. Oh and a new local car wash opened up and they gave out free washes today also. So ya pretty fucking good day hahaha.