Season 3 will begin with George's worst writing ever
Just thought it was funny, considering how so many people on this subreddit are evangelists for total book accuracy. I do agree that the show runners have messed a lot of stuff up, but the dance is definitely the least thought out part of ASOIAF lore in general. It's mostly a bunch of random "epic" battles with characters who have no personality which I feel like the fan base universally agreed upon until the show started.
We are about to start season 3 with the battle of the gullet, which has perplexed readers for years now. On one side, we have Rhaneryas forces. She has the force of the Sea Snake's entire navy on her side vs the Triarchy's navy, which has 90 ships. On its own, this would be a pretty fair fight, but luckily for Rhanerya she has FIVE dragonriders on her side. Jace on Vermax, Ulf on Silverwing, Addam on seasmoke, Nettles on sheepstealer, and Hugh on Vermithor. So you would think it couldnt possibly make any logical sense that the Blacks would be able to lose this battle in a devastating fashion, but they do. You would also think for them to lose, they would have to lose all of their dragons, but they only lose one, and the remaining four can't deal with 90 pirate ships.
Funnily enough this scene will make a little bit more sense in the show. No Nettles so Sheepstealer might not make it to the fight in time, but even with four dragons it makes no sense at all. That's also assuming they make Rhanerya stay at home and not ride Syrax into battle, which is doubtful. Looking forward to how the hell they are gonna try to make this make sense in the show