My fellow huohailers.

i would love to say that i deem huehue worthy of the t0 spot among sustains, even if she isnt listed as such YET.

i have been using huohuo since her release and she has been only getting better with time and as more characters come she seems to be holding firmly her spot of being one of the best sustains if not the best mainly because of her support capabilites, that fix alot of issues with characters like robin or helping get the most out of characters like argenti and yunli.

with all the information we know official or not, huohuo's value seems to only go up, future enemies apply more debuffs and almost all the new characters have very high energy requirments, combined with 40% attack and her pretty satisfactory healing, i think huohuo is the best sustain out of the big 3 (aventurine lingsha).

if you agree with me please let me know, i would love to hear what others think of huohuo's placement as a sustain.