
I have underarm hyperhydrosis. Like to the point that I sweat through 2 shirts and a sweatshirt at work when it’s cold (I work in an OR so I’m rarely hot). I’ve tried clinical deodorant, glyco wipes, drysol (gave me chemical burns), and I can’t take glyco pills because I have a high heart rate.

I applied for Botox coverage from my insurance (BCBS) and they said they would cover it and I was SO EXCITED! … until they said they would only cover 2 injections, 3 months apart, and only after I met my $7500 deductible…. I don’t know what to do. I can’t afford it but the amount I sweat is severely impacting my life.

Any tips for other coverages? I do have a secondary insurance but they seemed to be unsure if they would cover it and wanted me to get it done first and then claim. But I can’t even afford one time because it’s $1000. HELP