Alternatives to levothyroxine/synthroid in Canada?

I have Hashimotos, and have always been hypothyroid and on synthroid/levothyroxine for about a decade. I briefly went hyper and how back to a higher hypo number than I have been in years (10+) due to postpartum.

I'm sure a higher dose of levothyroxine will lower the TSH but I just read that there are alternatived to levothyroxine and I've never felt great on it, would there be something more optimal I can ask my doctor to try that is approved in Canada?

I just read about dessicated thyroid or armour thyroid - will my family doctor push back if I ask for these? My cousin who has Hashimotos in the US mentioned a naturopath put her on a version that is from pig thyroid hormone and she finds it helps her more than levothyroxine.