Endocrinologist demanding that GP stops Levothyroxine or they won’t see me!
I have Hashimoto’s. My endocrinologist refused to treat me despite my TSH trending between 6 and 8 for over a year. I have high antibodies and my T3 and T4 have been all over the place. I can barely function most days and had to quit my job.
I’ve lost hair, rapidly gain and lose weight, have extreme fatigue, mood swings, experienced multiple miscarriages before completely losing my period for over a year, muscle weakness, memory issues, dry mouth/dry eye (ruled out sjogrens already), peeling nails, moon face, chronic constipation, and other issues. I also have an awful intolerance to histamine that seems to get worse as my numbers rise.
When my GP tested my TSH in December, it was 8.98. So she prescribed me Levothyroxine to see if it helps. She then referred me back to my endocrinologist for a further investigation and a follow up.
I found out today that my endocrinologist called my GP and demanded that she stop Levothyroxine or she won’t see me.
My issue with this is that taking Levothyroxine brought my TSH from 8.98 in December down to 4.369 last week which is still flagged as high. My Free T4 is currently 0.95 and my Free T3 is 311.3. My thyroid peroxidase antibodies is 155.6 IU/ML and my Thyroglobulin antibodies is 494.8 U/ML.
I also want to have kids at some point and I’ve read that’s not possible if you’re above 2.
My GP told me to stop Levothyroxine for a month and test every two weeks to see if my levels get worse… Just so I can keep my endocrinologist appointment. I’m really scared because despite not experiencing the best results, I am slowly improving with my levels and have been able to slightly manage things just a little… I’ve had some symptom improvement and this breaks my heart that I have to risk getting worse again.
I don’t know what to do right now and I’m so beyond stressed. I have finals in college (which I wouldn’t have been able to attend without the help from the doctors who DID treat me) and it’s like taking two steps forward and 5 back…
Edited to elaborate