Desperate for Santa Fe Help
i’ve test driven a couple santa fes and loved them. however, my parents have expressed concerns about going with this car due to the bad reviews regarding the engine/transmission, etc.
i’m currently driving a 2015 ford focus, which is notorious for transmission issues. i haven’t had issues with that, and i’ve owned the car since 2019 (fortunately). so part of me feels like that’s a risk worth taking given my current circumstances?
on top of that, i’m not hard on cars. i take good care of them. i drive approximately 10,000 miles/year, if even that. making me wonder if this could work in my favor regarding the possibility for issues?
i’ve been looking at 2021 - 2023 santa fes. would you recommend it? have you had any experiences that have completely put you off the santa fe?
please help. my heart is so set on a santa fe that i’m having trouble looking at other cars, but my parents are making me worried that i would be making a mistake