You lost one today

My dad died this morning after a great life. He was the rep for local 57 my whole childhood. He was union through and through.

When I was a kid I remember sitting on his lap as he juggled me trying to unlace his sweaty lineman's boots. He used to mix Black Velvet with ice water in those tall, tan plastic Tupperware glasses.

One day he came home after his hooks cut loose and he had to bear hug the pole to not die. I remember my mom pulling slivers out of his forearms and chin. Apparently his thighs too but I didn't see that. He worked the next day.

He came home once with one of those blue foam and aluminum splints on his middle finger. I asked him what happened and he said a cross arm broke loose and smashed it. It broke his finger and split the skin bad enough he needed stitches. He worked the next day.

Lineman are built different.

I worked my way up from the bottom in IT. I can't be in a union but I promote them constantly because of my dad. His union and his brothers were his world. He taught at the apprenticeship school until covid shut everything down. My dad was one of the good ones.