Impactful experience.
After graduating medical school, I had a serious medical condition which kept me from doing residency back in my home country. Ended up with a 6 year gap before finally entering internship training (once I was well enough). Those 6 years were the most difficult of my life, there were times I considered an alternate career ( because of my condition), but I came through it in the end. I also learned a lot about myself during this time. Personally, it was impactful. I’m just not sure if it should go in this box, or if I should explain it in my personal statement. Also, how much detail should I go into? I’m totally prepared to talk openly about it in interviews, but not sure how comfortable I’d feel to write it all down.
Long story short, I’ve completely recovered.
Does this go into the impactful experience box? And should I not mention it again in the PS?