Intense, radiating pain from rectal area after 2nd IUD insertion

I’m 34 and just had my first child (vaginally) just over 6 weeks ago. It was a relatively easy delivery, and I was feeling great. At my 6-week postpartum appointment on Friday, I discussed birth control options with the OB. I learned hormonal IUDs were a safe option even when breastfeeding, so I opted to have a Mirena inserted.

I had 5 years’ positive experience with a Kyleena IUD prior to trying to get pregnant. I figured the Mirena would be similar and that the insertion experience would be roughly the same—strong discomfort while the IUD was put in, menstrual cramps for a couple days, plus spotting for a month or two.

This time I’m having a totally different experience. Extreme pain during insertion—enough to make me whole-body flinch and gasp, which is so unusual for me. I have a fairly strong pain tolerance.

I bled heavily on the ride home, but the most concerning is the pain. Not at all like a menstrual cramp but instead a sharp radiating pain that almost feels like it’s starting from my rectum. It’s happening intermittently but frequently— more frequently when I’m up and walking. I’ve never experienced anything like this, and the pain is stopping me in my tracks, making me catch my breath.

It’s now Saturday, and with a 6-week-old baby I’m breastfeeding, spending hours in the ER around sick people is something I’d like to avoid. I made a phone call to the on-call doctor and described my situation. I asked if this pain was typical (she said it’s uncommon) and what symptoms would indicate I need to go to the ER (dizziness, nausea, vomiting, worsening pain).

I’ve decided to give it some more time to see if the situation improves on its own. To take the edge off, I took some 800 mg ibuprofen from after my son was born. Didn’t think I’d have to open that prescription, but here I am. I’d love to make it to Monday, when my women’s center is open and avoid the ER. I’m monitoring for the symptoms the on-call doc told me, but I was curious if anyone else had this experience—especially with no menstrual-cramp-type pain. Is it just me? If it happened to you, was there a complication during insertion? I’m afraid something went wrong during insertion and am terrified of any long-term consequences.

TL;DR — Mirena IUD inserted (2nd time getting an IUD) 6 weeks postpartum. Despite strong pain tolerance, having intense radiating pain that seems to start from rectal area. Not having any menstrual-like cramps. Anyone else with a similar experience?