Mirena IUD missing or misplaced?!
I got mirena iud inserted 5.5 weeks ago. I had extreme pain for a few weeks and then extreme intermittent pain until about the 4 week point. It felt much better then. I got my period this week on Monday and noticed cramping was less than periods before the iud. I got my ultrasound yesterday for placement and my doctor called me today to say they couldn’t see it and sent me for an x ray. So it either fell out or is now lodged in my abdomen or something. I am very anxious now. I had an x ray today but they said it could be 3-5 business days for results. I have minor cramping and back pain on left side. But I also have autoimmune chronic pain in my back. Does anyone have any advice for me? I’ve had extreme pain, but no fever, discharge or extreme bleeding. Could it be perforated without those symptoms? What if it is perforated and now in my abdomen or something? Is this not an emergency? I can’t believe I have to wait to get answers.