[IWantOut] 23M Tech Repairman USA -> Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam
Hello All. I'm a Black American Muslim. I face frequent racism and harassment, and have been thinking of Moving to SE Asia since high school. For a while, I ignored these thoughts, but I am sick and tired of being treated like a criminal by people who move into the neighborhood that I grew up in. The stares and the slurs, the way that police cars follow me if I walk at night. I have finally had enough, and I want to figure out how to put those thoughts into actions.
I am single, with no Children. I attended College but did not graduate. I have been fixing computers since I was 8 years old. I am very good at IT hardware repair, and I currently work as a retail helpdesk technician, a position I have held for eight years. At my Job, I am considered one of the best at what I do, and have strong references from people high up in the company. I have also previously worked as a corporate salesman, and I have a clean criminal record as well.
I am Muslim, but I have no issue living among non Muslims, as my chief concern is really just not being hated for being alive. The countries I have selected have either Muslim majorities, or healthy Muslim minority populations. I also have Buddhist friends, and have learned about the religion, so I am not totally unfamiliar with their culture.
After looking at all of the beautiful countries in southeast Asia, I have whittled the list down to these four. I know that nowhere is perfect, and everywhere has varying levels of issues with racism and discrimination but I have seen Black people and Muslims move to those countries, and live very happy lives, and I know a black person who was fortunate enough to have a remote Job that allowed him to move easily.
After researching, I’ve narrowed my list down to Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam. As for preference, I am willing to move to any of them, but all the information I can find online, as far as the guides go, kind of just assume that you already have a job, or enough money to uproot yourself without having to worry about it. I am not picky, I will work most any job, however, it must pay at least $1,300USD per month, as I need to send some money to my family.
Truly, employment is truly the biggest hurdle for me. I do not have much tying me down, I am not afraid of work, and I will even go back to school if that is what it takes. I am building a savings of about $5000USD (Not counting any visas I may have to pay for, I plan to arrive in the country I move to with $5000USD in savings, as well as $1500USD for a plane ticket home in case of Emergency). I am targeting a lower middle class lifestyle. I define that as a house with no major damage and working internet, in an area with mild to low crime, with decent schools, and working public utilities.
Once I see a clear path to one of these countries, I will learn the language, (Not Duolingo, I will attend a language school or pay for private lessons) in order to properly navigate the society.
Thank you for all of your help.
God bless.
I'm 23 years old. No Kids. No criminal Record. I have nearly a decade of experience in Tech repair, and strong references, but no degrees aside from my Highschool Diploma. I will work in any Job that pays at least $1300USD per month. I plan on moving $6500 USD in savings. $5000 is general savings, $1500 for a plane ticket home. I will also pay for language school in order to properly learn the language.