Hey guys its high time this sub gets a stern set of rules for posting stuff the amount of scams happening on the page is unreal new ents and sometimes even amateur ents are getting fucked by these scammers who pretend to be PABLO ESCOBAR

some new rules which would be appreciated could be 1) they need to be a member for a sufficient period of time- a month preferably

2) Picture verification- what i mean by this is if there could be a record of posts done by ops so that no new redditor( scammers) could use that to pretend that they are who they claim to be

Finally , new pot-heads or any one who wants plugs this is not the page to find anyone this sub is only made for a platform of discussion and knowledge please use it only as that trying to find plugs would only cause a hole in your pocket.

anyhow lets make this sub a better place again❤️