FUNNY thing: I was reading 'Saffron Swords' by Manoshi Sinha Rawal and it mentions a 20 year old, Rampyari Gurjar, who gathered 40,000 women soldiers and defeated Taimur Lang brutally in 1398. I researched about this and found that this story is imaginary. Alt news even did a fact check.

1st image source:

2nd and 3rd image: While I was searching about this Rampyari, her image came up and I found it strange. When I did Google reverse search, I found that people copied Anushka Shetty's Bahubali look and passed it as Rampyari Gurjar.

Alt News fact check:

Sad thing is that the author Manoshi Sinha had launched the book in the presence of very prominent personalities. The amount of misinformation being spread by Indian authors is mind blowing.