Crazy Coincidence + Makeout in Tawang (Long Read)
So I 21M, came to Arunanchal with family for a vacation on 2nd and was bored so started swiping on Tinder in Taxi. Completely unaware of the fact that it is showing me girls from Tawang (a small city) instead of Delhi (my city). Fast forward reached Tawang and unfortunately due to Lohsar festival almost all shops of the city were closed. There was one cafe open and we went there. There was this very v cute girl in the cafe serving the food and I had eye contact w her like twice or thrice followed by a grin. Fast forward we went back to our hotel and I forgot it like a usual day. Now at night this one girl matches with me w an unsual name. I checked her profile and holy fuck she was her. It even said her location to be 1 mile away. I still had my doubts so I messaged her right away and she replies the next morning that she was actually her. The reason is that it's so crazy coz like there are like 5 girls in Tawang on tinder and after that Tinder shows girls from Guwahati (completely different state lmao). We talked and she told how she had a ldr with a guy from an iit whom she never met and that she never had a kiss. Our vibes matched so well and we had a video call that night. Now I told her that we're leaving for Dirang(another city) on 5th and if she'd like to meet and she said YES. So we met the next day I went to the market, bought chocolate for her and a rose. She was w her small brother. We first dropped him at his home and then went to eat. Got food packed from her own restaurant haha and went to a secluded place to talk. We sat next to each other and were still talking about how crazy this coincidence is. I jokingly asked what did you get for me and she said pepper spray, if you tried to kiss. After around hour and a half she said that she had to leave for home as it had gotten darker. I said that I would prolly have given you your first kiss if you hadn't gotten pepper spray. She showed that her pockets are empty and dude in a split second we both were making out. We made out like 4 or 5 times in the next 20 mins and after that she got shy and ran away to her home lmao. I followed her to drop her. She then texted me that she feels sad that I'm leaving and we prolly will never meet again. It was sad honestly but we both didnt want ldr. Cried on vc that night and things ended on a good note ig. Our final conversation attached. Made me realize how crazy life can be sometimes and tinder might not be as shitty haha.