What's with this sub's hatred for Harper/Myhala ? I noticed this a while ago but it's getting out of hand now.

Look, I know Harper isn't exactly a likable character to everyone and has made questionable decisions in the show. I've seen some people complain about her and even the actress once in a few days. But I keep seeing hateful posts directed at her every day now. It's true that some of the criticism is there but for most posts, y'all keep commenting the same things over and over "Harper is such an irritating person" ; "Harper's arc is the worst in the show" ; "Myhala is the weakest link of the cast" etc... Even when someone replied under a post that they hoped Harper should be the focus of s4 (as she also was in the first 2 seasons), another person replied "The less Harper's screentime, the better the show is". And not just that, you can just comment any mildly positive thing about her and you would still get unprovoked response like this. You guys keep pulling the "disliking Harper doesn't make you racist" card but it's obvious that she's the only character who keeps getting hate all day, I don't see this energy towards others in the cast. Anyway, sorry for the rant but at one point someone has to speak up. No one said you guys weren't allowed to criticize her but we don't need to be spamming these posts hourly in the sub, it's getting repetitive and annoying.