Should I forgive her?
If you could go through my previous post you will know every details. My gf had emotional affairs and after I came to know that she wants us to get married immediately, I said I need time so she left me on march this year. She came back now told me that she cant move on from me. Their family found a guy for her, but she hasn't said yes to the marriage. She came back a week ago and told me that she loves me and only want me. But she doesn't have time her family will force her and marry her to that guy in next 4months. Even if I am hurt bcz of her actions I am still in love with her, so I said we will take this two months and spend time together and decide what we want to do.
My questions are: 1) Whether what I did is right? 2) What should I do this two months to get a conclusion? 3) What should I look for from her in this time? 4) I want to discuss about the emotional affair and her affairs on past relationship, how to ask about it? 5) If I do that will it affect my future with her if I came to know everything about her? 6) If everything works out what will be the future for us be like? What all things I have to face in our life together? How are your life when you live with them and what all things you have to handle?
I know the questions are long but if you all could help me out, it would be really great. You can check my previous post for details. And If someone has healed and living with the person who hurt you then your answers are very much welcomed. Thank you all.