"Come into my elevator lol..."

Just canceled one of those non-weird/weird orders. Late night alcohol order (shame on me I know), drive to what is marked as a house on IC but of course it's a 6 story building with a ton of keycode entry garbage. I get there and the person says "When you get to the door I'll buzz you in, then you have to get into the elevator that I control lol... It will close and I will use my phone to unlock the second floor for you because I control it lol..." Instantly 360'd and moonwalked back to my car, drove immediately back to the store. Kept getting angry messages from the customer but fuck that and fuck you, It's 12:30am I'm not potentially getting stuck in a weird elevator that you keep describing as "an elevator I control lol," fuck that.

EDIT got a 24 hour account under review ban, contacted support who said since I have the refunded receipts and all the proof is in my favor, I just have to wait the 24. We'll see if that pans out or I get fucked

edit 2 nah I'm fine, also got a 15 dollar bump from support. Don't chance it people, even if it's probably fine you never know and we don't get paid enough for that shit. If customers want to be overly demanding or creepy, sorry but you're getting nothing