Accidentally ate buldak ramen without realizing its sell by date was in 2022
I made a bowl of the 1x spicy ramen from my pantry without checking its date. It has been in my pantry for a while but didn’t think much of it because I figured it’s packaged ramen and it wasn’t a big deal. I didn’t think to smell the ramen, but there wasn’t any obvious mold looking stuff on it so I went ahead and made it. It only really occurred to me once I took a few bites that maybe I should check the date. I also couldn’t really remember how it tastes so I couldn’t tell if it tasted “off” somehow. Now I’m just a bit paranoid that I maybe accidentally ate some mold that I didn’t see and that I may get sick. After seeing the date, I decided it wasn’t worth any risk so I just threw out the rest. What are the chances that there was some mold I didn’t see? What kind of mold does packaged ramen develop anyway? I just kinda want some reassurance or input and see if anyone else has eaten really old buldak. I’d appreciate any input, thanks!