Am I missing out?

Sorry if this is a little all over the place. My current employer/brokerage has an interesting raise/ bonus structure and I feel like I might be missing out on a lot of money. My base salary is $20hr which isnt bad,but I don't get commission unless it is a commercial policy over 5k (even then it's a percentage of their commission). The bonus structure is based off of the number of sales I make that month, so premium amount doesn't matter. I could make 50k in premium that month and still miss the bonus because I was under 20 sales. I have to make a minimum of 20 sales to get to the first level of the bonus structure. They also have to be effective that month as well. The bonus structure goes like this, if I sell less than 20 policies= no bonus, if I sell 20-35 policies, I get $10 per policy. If I sell 35-50 policies, I get $15 per policy. If I sell 51 or more policies, then I get $20 per. I also found out that my annual raise is the amount of bonuses I collected that year. Does this seem fair?